Saturday, May 23, 2009

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

Having some time to kill today I went alone to see this one. We both saw the first Night at the Museum and found it lacking... so we hadn't really planned to catch this sequel. I'm really glad now that I went - I felt that this one was much better. It really held my interest, I loved the effects, there are more big names and interesting people in this one. Frankly it's a rare movie that pulls off a better than the original sequel, but I thought this one did it!

I like Ben Stiller but he's always pretty underplayed in these movies. I think it's because he has to be the straight man and sort of be our tour guide through the looney things that happen. For that reason he's pretty restrained.

The star of this film is Hank Azaria ('The Simpsons') and I was totally surprised by his performance. He does a great job - the acting is wonderful and wow has he been working out! The guns on this guy are amazing (and there's a joke buried in the movie about them, spoken through a minor character) - I kept wondering if they could be air brushed or are those real? He has multiple roles - 3. His versatility shows big time here.

The favorites from the first one are back - Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, etc and they're fun to see but there are new characters coming to life and lots of interesting effects make that happen. A new character, Amelia Earhart, played by Amy Adams is a big highlight. She is adventurous and fearless - the epitome of the word "spunky". She's a fun character.

So many guest stars pop up continually. The Jonas brothers are here (did you spot them?) and Ricky Gervais (wish he had a larger role!), two favorites from 'The Office' - Craig Robinson (Daryl) and Mindy Kaling (Kelly); Bill Hader ('SNL') is a whacky Gen. Custer; Eugene Levy as a voice over character.

Overall I think this was a very good movie. It was entertaining, funny, interesting, and old and new will accidentally learn a few history facts whether you mean to or not. I wish I had taken a child with me (I didn't) but on the way out I dawdled a bit just to eavesdrop on the crowd. There were so many exclamations and excited chattering from kids saying they loved it - those that I heard were in the 8 to 12 age range. There was lots of excited talk and no negatives that I heard.

Don't jump up to run out too quickly, when the credits start to roll there is a bit more to see. ;)

Pueblo Tinseltown shined today - the popcorn was exceptional and everyone was humming right along. I give this one a '3'.

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